Rock #9 Rhyolite

Rhyolite with mica cristals.

Rock #8 Basalt

Very soft rock of basalt, it has lots of bubbles. Found in the beach¿?

Rock #7 Basalt ¿?

This basalt stone was found in the beach and it was broken easily, may be because of its vitreous composition.

Rock #6 Reef limestone fossil

This limestone obteined from the same place than rock #4 and #5 sometimes the sandstone is made of reef sand.

Rock #5 Sandstone

Sandstone obtained from this place, the lines in the stone are sedimentary?

Rock #4 Red Sandstone

The red colour (iron oxide) is removed with water and a brush, red sandstone obtained from this place:

Rock #3 Purple marl

Purple Marl obtained from this vein between other yellow marl veins:

This purple marls in this place usually are triasic stones.
Maybe is lutite. Marl contains calcite CaCO3, lutite not contains it. CaCO3 reacts with HCl.
The place is cenozoic then is marl.

Rock #2 Carniola (spanish)

Carniola is a sedimentary carbonated evaporite stone¿? its formarion is due to precipitation over, limestone, Dolostone or Anhydrite, which disaperar and leave the holes.

My first rock, Coquina limestone!!

Coquina limestone, variety of reef limestones formed in Jurasic. Coquina is a typical mediterranean (but can live arround th world) bivalve: